Participant Registration & Fees


1€ = appr. 1.15 $ US

full fare
Day Wake the Dragon! (5&6 July)
Included in week registration
IHS Member* 350€ 75€ 60€ two day/40€ saturday only
Non-IHS Member 400€ 90€ 60€ two day/40€ saturday only
Student, Member* 230€   75€ 60€ two day/40€ saturday only
Student, Non-Member 280€ 90€ 60€ two day/40€ saturday only
-18 year old 110€ / 60€ two day/40€ saturday only

early bird and group fare registration has ended 14 April 23.59 CET

REGISTRATION FOR IHS51 CLOSED 25 JUNE AT 23.59 Central European Time (CET)